Group 334 (1)


Application Questions


2024 RETAs Application Questions

Please see the application questions for the 2024 RETAs categories. Please review ahead of submitting your application if you require time to prepare. Your response will only be shared with the judges and will NOT be made public.


Emerging Startups, Mid-Market Growth and Mature Growth Company Categories

  1. How many customers do you have?
  2. What is your revenue model?
  3. .

Impact Entrepreneur of the Year

  1. Describe how people have benefited from your impact.
  2. Share a story or example of a specific impact you have made in the community.
  3. What are your future goals for continuing to make an impact in the industry and community?

Founder of the Year

  1. Describe what your platform does better than anyone else. What problems are you trying to solve?
  2. Describe your company’s growth milestones.
  3. Describe a major challenge you faced as a founder and how you overcame it.
  4. Describe how your company embraces innovation and differentiates itself in the marketplace.
  5. Describe how your company has become an industry leader under your leadership.
  6. How would you describe your company’s culture and what do you do to inspire teamwork and retention among your staff?